LED Neck & Décolleté MEDICAL GRADE PRO Skin Revival Brighten Rejuvenate


  • Is your Neck looking older than your face?

  • Does your Neck have those dreaded sagging lines? 

  • Are you a side sleeper with ||| vertical deepening lines?

  • Do you have dark spots from Sun Damage?

Here is your answer:

Clinically Tested with

Proven Skin Transforming Results.

Medical Grade (830NM Near Infra Red + 633NM Red Light)

Use a professional treatment in the comfort of your own home.


What it does:

Penetrates deep into the dermis

to stimulate collagen production

while revitalising and repairing damaged cells.


How it works:

Red light energizes skin cells for a firmer

more youthful complexion.

While near-infrared light penetrates deeper into layers,

stimulating skin healing and recovery


Prevent or Revive

See and experience

“Visual De-ageing” results.

Look Younger for Longer.

Revive your Neck and Dec.


Firm your neck to reduce the sagging 

Our neck and dec have fewer oil glands than the face

Due to the diminishing elasticity in the skin your neck and dec age much sooner than the face.

The skin on our neck is very thin.


Why? Neck and Dec – Red Light?

Light Therapy rapidly delivers the skin rescue and skin revival.

Collagen and elastin are the protein structures within our skin to make the skin firmer, plumper and strengthened.

This drastically reducing lines & wrinkles

Reduce Turkey neck skin within weeks.

Plus targeting  dry cracked skin including Eczema  

Highly recommended and sold by Dermatologists, Dermal Clinicians and Aestheticians world wide

 Normal rrp.$605 2 year Warranty

Red light + Near - Infrared Light Therapy Neck & Décolleté Medical Grade Skin Revival-Rejuvenate 

Anti -  ageing solutions - Preventative care - Calming redness and irritation - Enhancing overall skin tone and elasticity - Wound healing and recovery.

Plus targeting sunspots, pigmentation, dry cracked skin including Eczema

Anti age & De age for skin rescue and skin revival. Collagen and elastin are the protein structures within our skin to make it plumper and strengthened. This drastically reducing lines wrinkles age spots improving crepe Turkey neck skin within weeks.

Being your professional treatment LED which is a solid investment as the most clinically effective LED masks out there which is why Omnilux has won awards 2021 2022 and 2023 for continually being a gold standard.  


Our neck and dec have fewer oil glands than on the face and due to the diminishing elasticity in the skin the neck and dec appear to age much sooner than the face, because the skin on the neck is very thin.

Far too often the neck and dec get neglected for years so regularly at the age of 38 – 45 women think OMG look how old my neck looks and the dec ages rapidly with vertical lines especially for those who sleep on their side.

Easy to wipe down and clean between each use.

All of us need our neck, dec and hands to be rejuvenated as they are the first areas to show signs of ageing.

If we do not take action to treat our neck dec and hands seriously you will end up looking older than your years, as our neck and hands look so much older quicker.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg

There are some “NATURAL INGREDIENT” components within our formulations that may not be safe for pregnant or breast-feeding women (e.g. some essential oils and botanical extracts) and not recommended for children under 12 years of age.